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Luiza Carolina dos Santos
Associate Doctoral Candidate

(Working Title)

After some time working with the specificities of writing with a historical and technological approach, Luiza started to think about other ways of inscription that do not involve so-called natural language. Luiza uses a media theory perspective to approach code and programming in digital media within contemporary culture, as a way of inscription that has material effects on reality. Currently, Luiza analyses digital processes in artificial media, looking at how their modes of functioning are informed, especially with regard to machine learning, by a modern way of seeing the world and thus how they also produce specific and inevitably biased results. Since those machines that try to create autonomous systems have their own logic and politics, Luiza is interested in investigating what changes enable these systems to partake in forming societies and our epistemic mode of understanding the world.


Luiza is a PhD student in Communication and Information Studies at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. She has an undergraduate degree in Social Communication (emphasis on journalism), a postgraduate degree (lato sensu) in Economics of Culture and a masters degree in Communication Studies. Her work is focused on digital culture, especially on the social changes brought on by technological ones. Luiza is going to be at Goethe University, Frankfurt as an associate PhD from October (2018) to March (2019) with a scholarship from CAPES, a Brazilian Government Institution for Higher Education, to work on her thesis under the supervision of Florian Sprenger.