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Katharina Jost
Doctoral candidate, third cohort (2023-2026)

Moving Pictures in Suitcases. Home Movies of German Emigrants in Venezuela Travelling to Europe and Back.

My doctoral project focuses on home movies of German emigrants in Venezuela from the 1950s to the 1970s. The starting point of the research project is a family film collection of my own. In particular, the aspect of international communication and the movement in which those films found themselves will be examined. Also of interest is the transformed meaning that the films that travelled across the Atlantic received in another society: post-war Germany. One of the questions the project explores is the dual function of From Home to Home Movies (which I call them) because they were sent to Europe like letters on film. In them, a dialogue with the European viewer has manifested itself. On the one hand, they function as carrier material for one’s own family memories and, simultaneously, as documentation for others about a life in South America. Other objects of discussion are the places shown and the space between them, as well as the self-images of the German emigrants. These films were part of a more extensive network of transatlantic import and export and a transfer of knowledge (Salazkina 2016), which will also be traced with questions about other objects related to them. The antlers in the living room in relation to the hunting shown in the film and the depiction of a ship on its voyage from Europe to Venezuela on the wall at my grandparents’ home in Hamburg, are also objects relating to the home movies. How did the images from the Caribbean get into the German living room? What is actually the vacation movie here? Where is the film? In this case, in suitcases, plastic bags, a closet and at the moment in a desk in Frankfurt am Main.

Fig. 1:
Screenshot from Dieters Farm II Teil 1958 (Home Movie, 1958) priv. archiv.
Fig. 2:
Grandparents holding ice into the camera. Screenshot from Eltern [… ]Bellevue Winter 1956 (Home Movie, 1956), priv. archiv.
Fig. 3:
Photograph living room wall Griestrasse, Hamburg (photo album, 1950s) priv. archiv.


Katha­rina Jost is a re­search as­sis­tant at the re­search col­lec­tive “Con­fig­u­ra­tions of Film” and a PhD can­di­date at the Goethe Uni­ver­sity, Frank­furt. She stud­ied the­atre, film and media stud­ies and art his­tory at the Goethe Uni­ver­sity, Frank­furt and the Uni­ver­sity of Vienna. Since 2013, she has been work­ing as a free­lancer for the DFF (Deutsches Filmin­sti­tut & Film­mu­seum). For the latter, she has, among other things, writ­ten texts for an online ex­hi­bi­tion, pre­sented ob­jects from the col­lec­tion in pod­casts and worked on ori­en­tal­ist motifs on lantern images of the museum. In ad­di­tion to her aca­d­e­mic career, she has also been in­volved in artis­tic pro­jects. Her re­search topics in­clude Pro­jec­tions, (post-) colo­nial­ism, home movies, am­a­teur film, ex­pa­tri­ate iden­ti­ties, ex­oti­cism, and (vir­tual) travel.
