Research Project
Philipp Dominik Keidl’s current research project is dedicated to non-fiction fan practices. Drawing upon the field of public history and the idea of a “participatory historical culture”, Philipp is developing the concept of “tactical transmedia historiography” to analyze fans’ history-making as a central focus in struggles dealing with the production and dissemination of knowledge about the past. More specifically, he examines fans’ history-making with regard to identity, nationality, gender, sexuality and heritage. Describing fans’ strategic production and dissemination of histories across various forms of media, “tactical transmedia historiography” will be applied to case studies such as Star Wars, LEGO, Michael Jackson and Sergei Polunin, as well as German right-wing influencers.

Philipp Dominik Keidl is Assistant Professor of Screen Media in Transition in the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the Graduate Research Training Program “Configurations of Film” at Goethe University from 2019 to 2022. His research on fandom, media and material culture, and film heritage has been published in journals including JCSM: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Journal of Popular Culture, Film Criticism, The Moving Image, and American Behavioral Scientist. Philipp has also co-edited volumes on film archiving, the COVID-19 pandemic, and history-making as fan practice.