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Dan Streible: Orphan Film Historiography. Newsreel Outtakes as Source and Method
16.12.2019 • 11/28/19 18:00 – 11/28/19 20:00
Raum 7.312 des IG-Farben-Hauses

In the past twenty years, scholars and archivists have increasingly emphasized previously neglected film, video, and audio artifacts. An international “orphan film movement” has generated revisionist historiographies and altered curatorial priorities. Vast amounts of newsfilm, including outtakes, have not survived, but archives holding thousands of hours of newsreel outtakes are now making such material more available than ever before. What can we learn from studying newsreels outtakes? How might this change research questions, methods, and historiography?


Dan Streible ist Professor am Department of Cinema Studies der New York University und stellvertretender Direktor des Masterstudiengangs Moving Image Archiving and Preservation. Darüber hinaus leitet er das Orphan Film Symposium.

Fig. 1:
1. Image Credit: If the Antarctic Ice Cap Should Melt? — outtakes (1929), from the Fox Movietone News Collection; courtesy by Moving Image Research Collections, University of South Carolina.