Menü Schließen
Ulrike Ber­ger­mann: Pro­per­ty. Co­lo­ni­al His­to­ries and Mes­sa­ges to the Future
29.03.2021 • 4/6/21 18:00 – 4/6/21 20:00
Online Lecture

The con­cept of pro­per­ty had to be in­ven­ted and cul­tu­ral­ly lear­ned over a long period of time. Pri­va­te pro­per­ty (as se­pa­ra­ted from ow­nership) may have roots in em­pi­res of the an­ti­qui­ty, but found its primal scenes for our Wes­tern and widely glo­ba­li­sed un­der­stan­ding in the 17th cen­tu­ry – ent­an­g­led with co­lo­nia­lism. Recent theo­ries speak of „racial re­gimes of ow­nership“ and „post­co­lo­ni­al pro­per­ty“ (Bhan­dar); global co­py­right sys­tems in the 20th cen­tu­ry came up with „cul­tu­ral folk­lo­re“, but are also cri­ti­cised for their „white laws“ (Roy, Riley). The paper will dis­cuss these no­ti­ons and ask for the per­mea­ti­on of this pro­per­ty thin­king within the me­dia­ted world and our self re­la­ti­ons, but also for the pos­si­bi­li­ties of po­ten­ti­al his­to­ries (Azou­lay) and of un­le­arning.


Ulrike Ber­ger­mann ist Pro­fes­so­rin für Me­di­en­wis­sen­schaft an der HBK Braun­schweig, mit For­schungs­schwer­punk­ten in Gender und Post­co­lo­ni­al Stu­dies und/als Wis­sens­ge­schich­te.


Fig. 1:
RHZ, Ohne Zeit, ohne Ort, 2013, c-print, courtesy of the artists collective.