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  • 13.03.2025:
    Dennis Hippe, Sprechende Steine: Der Lava-Dome als Ort filmischen Wissens, 38. ffk: Film- und Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
  • 06.04.2025:
    Dennis Hippe, The Cinema Seen from Plate Tectonics: Towards a Volcanological Expert Mode of Viewing, SCMS 2025 Conference, Chicago.


  • 19.01.2024:
    Amrita Biswas, Gatekeeping Uttam Kumar: Curatorial Practices of Knowledge Production, Workshop and Pocket Publics Book Launch: In/Equalities in Participatory Culture, Utrecht University.
  • 22.03.24:
    Katharina Jost, Ein ⛵ in Bewegung und Stillstand. Ein dreidimensionaler Wohnzimmer-Wand-Ausblick aus Hamburg-Hamm, 1956
    , Film- und Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium ffk#37, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt.
  • 22.03.24:
    Josefine Hetterich, If you know, you know: AIDS Visual Culture & Nostalgia, Film- und Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium ffk#37, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt.
  • 20.03.2024:
    Laura Laabs, Punkt zu Punkt
    , 37. Film- und medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
  • 20.03.2024:
    Dennis Hippe, Kosmologie des lebenden Waldes: Metabolischer Dokumentarismus in FOREST LAW, 37. ffk: Film und medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
  • 24.05.2024:
    Dennis Hippe, Moving Soils: Approaching Volcanological Filmmaking, Workshop Cinema, Science and Medicine in the Twentieth Century, University of Copenhagen.
  • 29.06.2024:
    Dennis Hippe, Media of Anticipation: Filming Volcanological Emergencies, NECS Conference: Emergencies. Media in an Unpredictable World, Izmir University of Economics.
  • 18-19.04.2024:
    Verena Mund, Front Row. The French Chef and its Kitchen Counter, Konferenz Designs on Television. Production Design and Television Aesthetics, Westminster University London.
  • 25.04.2024:
    Jana Zündel, Memetic Distribution Beyond Virality: Distributing Internet Memes in Limited Circles and Circular Motions. CEDITRAA “Dis/Ordering Distribution. Infrastructures, Formats and Practices in the Circulation of Culture”, Goethe Universität Frankfurt.
  • 03.07.2024:
    Clara Podlesnigg, Keeping Up with Celebrity Authenticity: The Kardashians and their Holograms, 5th International Celebrity Studies Conference: Celebrity Crises and Conflicts, University of Amsterdam.
  • 03.05.2024:
    Clara Podlesnigg, Hologrammed Retail Experience and the Promise of Frictionless Media, International Symposium Media Frictions, Jönköping University.
  • 06-09.03.2024:
    Fadekemi Olawoye, Costume and Makeup as Fluid Elements of Cinematic Art in Nollywood. Critical Costume 2024 International Conference and Exhibition: UCLA School of Theater, Film & Television, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • 22.03.24:
    Marie Malina, (Sub)tweeting Amber Heard, Film- und Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium ffk#37, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
  • 03.07.2024:
    Marie Malina, Is this Paris? Documenting the Voice of Paris Hilton, 5th International Celebrity Studies Conference: Celebrity Crises and Conflicts, University of Amsterdam.
  • 04.11.2024:
    Charlotte Bösling, Spatiotemporal Potential: Aesthetics of falling in climbing films, International Symposium Transatlantic Mountain Cinema, University of Innsbruck.
  • 08.11.2024:
    Charlotte Bösling, Rise and Fall: Narratives of Modernity through aesthetics of falling, International Conference Body Landscapes in Silent Cinema, University of Heidelberg.
  • 26.09.24:
    Josefine Hetterich, Anti-faschistischer Feminismus & Familienabolitionismus, GfM Jahrestagung, Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz.
  • 20.03.2024:
    Laura Teixeira, Moving through space and time. A video essay, 37. ffk: Film- und Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Goethe Universität Frankfurt.
  • 26.09.2024:
    Laura Teixeira, Moving images/Moving bodies. Eine „gemeinsame“ Erfahrung im Ausstellungsraum?, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
  • 27.09.2024:
    Katharina Jost, [Wenn die Sammlung zum Zustand wird], Sammeln als Gegebenheit. Zu Sammlungen des Gebrauchsfilms und deren Politiken
    , Team Up, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (in collaboration with [Stephan Ahrens, Julia Eckel, Sophia Gräfe, Linda Waack]).
  • 27.09.2024:
    Laura Laabs, Lisa Le Anh, Marie Malina, Clara Podlesnigg, Team Up: Sich zu Netzen vernetzen. Methodenarbeit mit und in (sozialen) Netzen und ihren Zwischenräumen, Jahrestagung der GfM 2024 “Versammeln”, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
  • 27.09.2024:
    Laura Laabs, Like Moths to a Flame
    , L/Nightscapes. Perspectives on Illumination and the City, 23rd NECS Graduate Workshop, Universität zu Köln.
  • 31.10.24:
    Clara Podlesnigg, Out of the Dark: Hologramming George Floyd, 23rd NECS Graduate Workshop – L/Nightscapes: Perspectives on Illumination and the City, Universität zu Köln.
  • 12.-14.12.2024:
    Fadekemi Olawoye
    , King of Boys (Adetiba, 2018) and the Fashioning of New Nollywood´s Female Crime Boss, 67th African Studies Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • 29.10.2024:
    Simon Schiller, The Way into the ‘Real’ Night. Thoughts on Nocturnal Film(making) and Visual Culture in 1920s Germany. L/Nightscapes. Perspectives on Illumination and the City, 23rd NECS Graduate Workshop, University of Cologne.
  • 23.05.2024:
    Simon Schiller, Zum Widerstand der Nacht. Analoge und digitale (Hyper)Sensibilisierung von Kamerasystemen als technikgeschichtliche Transitionsprozesse.
    28. Internationales Bremer Symposium zum Film, Universität Bremen.
  • 20.03.2024:
    Simon Schiller, NOPE, das sind nicht alles Nachtaufnahmen. Ein medienarchäologischer Vergleich des day-for-night Verfahrens im Frühem Film und Jordan Peeles NOPE. 37. Film- und Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Universität Frankfurt.
  • 24.05.2024:
    Simon Schiller, MONA LIZA with a Mic. A progressive reading of LIZ’ music video, staged at the Städel Museum (online), Droppin‘ Science. Hip Hop Ciphering and Deciphering, University College Cork (Ireland).


  • 18.03.2023:
    Jana Zündel, Memefication as Pop-Cultural Self-Preservation: Television, (Pre-)Internet Memes, and Referentiality, Pop Cultures: Cultural and Creative Industries, Concepts and Problems. A Global Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference (Progressive Connexions), Prag.
  • 08.03.2023:
    Jana Zündel, Fernsehserien in der Alltags- und Medienkultur. Kölner Mediengespräche, Herbert von Halem Verlag (Buchpräsentation).
  • 18.03.2023:
    Jana Zündel, Memefication as Pop-Cultural Self-Preservation: Television, (Pre-)Internet Memes, and Referentiality, Pop Cultures: Cultural and Creative Industries, Concepts and Problems. A Global Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference (Progressive Connexions), Prag.
  • 31.03.2023:
    Laura Teixeira, Exhibiting moving image art in São Paulo (1973-1983), 36. ffk – Film- und medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Paris-Lodron-Universität/Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.
  • 01.04.2023:
    Sema Çakmak, Filme für Lubunyas: Identitätsstiftung durch queere Filme bei Lambda Istanbul, 36. Film- und medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Paris-Lodron-Universität/Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.
  • 1.4.2023:
    Kerim Doğruel, Vergangenheim, 36. Film- und medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Paris-Lodron-Universität/Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.
  • 01.04.2023:
    Clara Podlesnigg, Smooth holograms, smooth histories? Straffen und Glätten als Verfahren, 36. Film- und medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Paris-Lodron-Universität/Universität Mozarteum Salzburg.
  • 12.04.2023:
    Amrita BiswasThrough the Archival Lens: Satyajit Ray as Heritage Value, SCMS (Society for Cinema and Media Studies), Denver.
  • 12.4.2023:
    Kerim Doğruel, From Macro- to Microelectronic. Architectural Models and the Rhetoric of Circuit Boards, Society for Cinema & Media Studies Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.
  • 05.05.2023:
    Kerim Doğruel, Aufschaltung. Fernsehen durch Plexiglas, Internationale Tagung Instabile Ansicht/Destabilizing View, Universität Zürich.
  • 26.05.2023:
    Johanna Laub, Unearthing the precarious archive of Guinea-Bissau’s militant cinema in
    Luta ca caba inda, Workshop Sub(e)merging: Poetics, Temporalities, Epistemologies, Oldenburg.
  • 03.06.2023:
    Nils Meyn, Sticky Notes and Sticky Pleasures. Approaching Video Smut and Porn Collections at the Archive, Sticky Films: Conceptual & Material Explorations, International Conference, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
  • 05.06.2023:
    Amrita Biswas, Post-Partition Cine-ecology: Calcutta’s Film Production Culture (1947), Film Studios: Histories, Evolution, Innovation, Futures: Organised by ERC-funded STUDIOTEC, Bristol (Online).
  • 07.06.23:
    Josefine Hetterich, Untimely Nostalgia & Queer Love in the AIDS Archive, Fringe of the Fringe: Queering Punk Media Seminar, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf.
  • 10.06.2023:
    Sema Çakmak, Pirated Lubunca Films: Lambdaistanbul’s Counter-archival Practices, Archival Assembly #2, Berlin.
  • 14.06.2023:
    Jana Zündel, Hype & Memes as Success Factors in Series – B#tch,You Better Be Memeable! Seriencamp Conference, Cologne (panel discussion with Max Fränkel, Jeanette Betz & Hatem El-Tawil).
  • 14.06.2023
    Jana Zündel, Hype & Meme, Seriencamp Conference, Cologne (workshop with Max Fränkel, Jeanette Betz, Hatem El-Tawil).
  • 15.06.2023:
    Clara Podlesnigg, Fake Holograms as Media of Care, NECS Conference: Care, University of Oslo.
  • 16.06.2023:
    Sema Çakmak, Caring for/with films – LGBTI+ Activism and Communities of Care, NECS Conference: Care, University of Oslo.
  • 17.06.2023
    Anna Bell, Sharing is Caring: Affection, Reputation and Media Care, NECS Conference: Care, Oslo.
  • 20.06.2023:
    Zsombor Bobák, NSFW Histories; or A Look at Queer Media Archives in Central and Eastern Europe, Konferenz Future [of] Archives, International Association for Media and History, Montréal.
  • 20.06.2023:
    Amrita Biswas, Calcutta and the Post-Partition Film Culture
    , Locating Media Industries: Cities, Spaces, Places, King’s College London.
  • 22.06.2023
    Fadekemi Olawoye, Portrayals of Facial Marks in Kunle Afolayan´s “Anikulapo , The 7th Annual Lagos Studies Association Conference, University of Lagos, online.
  • 22.06.2023:
    Amrita Biswas, Archival and Anecdotal Evidences: Curatorial Fan Practices of Knowledge Production, Konferenz Future [of] Archives, International Association for Media and History, Montréal.
  • 22.06.2023:
    Johanna Laub, Inhabiting the interval: Reincarnation and reconstruction in Lawrence Abu Hamdan’s Once Removed, Konferenz Future [of] Archives, International Association for Media and History, Montréal.
  • 27.06.2023:
    Christian Alexius, Loving Cinema to Death: Deconstructions of the Memory Industry and Movie Nostalgia in Cinema Purgatorio
    , Mnemonics Summer School 2023 “The Industry of Memory”, University of Westminster, London.
  • 05.07.2023:
    Laura Teixeira, Moving image art exhibitions – new spaces for a hybrid art form, HoMER (History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception) Conference, TecnoCampus Mataró, Barcelona.
  • 05.07.2023:
    Fadekemi Olawoye, Netflix as a form of neo-capitalism in the Nigerian film distribution structure
    : HOMER (History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception) 2023, Barcelona.
  • 06.07.2023:
    Amrita Biswas, Basusree: Configuring an Alternative Film Culture in Post-Partition Calcutta, HOMER (History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception) 2023, Barcelona.
  • 12.07.2023:
    Anna Bell, Remembering Fassbinder: Affective Reputation and Reenactment, Encounter RWF, DFF, Frankfurt am Main.
  • 08.09.2023:
    Johanna Laub, An Animated Archive: Ana Vaz’s Apiyemiyeki? (2019) and the (non-)repre­sentation of colonial violence, Visible Evidence XXIX: Documentary Ecologies, Udine.
  • 20.09.2023
    Laura Teixeira, Imagens e corpos em movimento: articulação de espaços nas bienais de arte, VIII Jornada Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meios e Processos Audiovisuais da Escola de Comunicação e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
  • 28.09.2023:
    Christian Alexius, Fanatikerin und Archivarin. Cinephile Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse in Alan Moore und Kevin O’Neills Cinema Purgatorio, GfM-Jahrestagung 2023 “Abhängigkeiten”, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
  • 21.10.2023:
    Anna Bell, Affective Reputation and Intermedial Remembrance: Fassbinder Reenactment in Ozon’s „Peter von Kant“, Affective Intermediality International Conference, Cluj-Napoca.
  • 21.10.2023:
    Nils Meyn, zus. mit Paulena Müller (Bochum): Begehren nach Geschichte im digitalen Alltag. Queerer Retro-Aktivismus auf YouTube und Instagram. Fingerübungen des Digitalen Alltags, Universität Hamburg und Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
  • 27.10.2023:
    Jana Zündel, Between Memeability and Televisuality: The (Self)Memefication of TV Series. ECREA Television Section Conference “Redefining Televisuality: Programmes, Practices, Methods”. Film University Babelsberg.
  • 23.11.23:
    Josefine Hetterich, Referenzieren, Reinszenieren, Reproduzieren: ACT UPs Stop the Church Aktion und ihre Wiederholungen, Die City hat(te) AIDS? Veranstaltungsreihe zu AIDS-Aktivismus im Frankfurt der 80/90er Jahre, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main.
  • 07.12.2023:
    Amrita Biswas, Restoring Ray: Jalsaghar and the Geo-Cultural Politics of Saving Cinema, Satyajit Ray Lecture and Film Series: ‘An Eye for the World: The Cinema of Satyajit Ray,’ DFF, Frankfurt.
  • 09.12.2023:
    Simon Schiller, Sieh her, ich bin Kunst aus 069! Mit MONA LIZA im Städel Museum, HipHop im 21. Jahrhundert: Narrative, Mythen und Brüche. Zur Produktion von Mannigfaltigkeit, Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg.
  • 16.12.2023:
    Verena Mund, Ways to Get There, Stock Footage, Generic Aesthetics and Time Leaps in The Way We Were, Critical Barbra. Perspectives on Barbra Streisand. First Global Jewish Superstar, Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum / Jüdisches Museum / Goethe Universität, Frankfurt a.M.


  • 13.01.2022:
    Amrita Biswas, Mapping the Media Infrastructures of Postpartition Calcutta: An Analysis of the Urban Film Culture of the 1950s, IAMHIST Master Class.
  • 22.01.2022:
    Amrita Biswas, Mapping Soundscape in Shabdo, Talking Films Online.
  • 07.03.2022:
    Christian Alexius, Pour en finir avec le cinéma. cinéphilie et bande dessinée, Qu’est-ce que la cinéphilie aujourd’hui?”, Université Bordeaux Montaigne.
  • 01.04.2022:
    Clara Podlesnigg, Das Tutorial Szenario: How-to hologram Videos als performative Medienpraxis zwischen Wissensvermittlung und Gimmick, 35. Film- und Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Filmakademie Wien.
  • 03.04.2022:
    Amrita Biswas, Calcutta Chronicles: Shifting Borders and the Post-Partition Film Culture, SCMS.
  • 22.06.2022:
    Fadekemi Olawoye, Cinematic Representation of Immigrants lives in Andrew Dosunmu´s “Mother of George”, NECS Conference: Epistemic Media: Atlas Archive Network.


  • 24.06.2022:
    Zeynep Tuna, Investigative Spectatorship and the True-Crime Talk Shows in Turkey, NECS Conference: Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network.
  • 24.06.2022:
    Zsombor Bobák, Undressing the Comrades: Queer Filmic Methods Animating LGBTQ+ Histories in Central and Eastern Europe, NECS Conference: Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network.
  • 25.06.2022:
    Amrita Biswas, Thinking through Fan Practices: An Enquiry into Anecdotal and Archival Evidences, NECS Conference: Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network.
  • 25.06.2022:
    Johanna Laub, Digital debris: Utopias of universal knowledge and the aesthetic of ruination in the work of Fiona Tan, NECS Conference: Epistemic Media: Atlas Archive, Network.
  • 07.07.2022:
    Laura Laabs, Making Sense of Dual Sense, DiGRA 2022 PhD Consortium, Jagiellonen-Universität Kraków.
  • 08.07.2022:
    Jana Zündel, The ever-changing aesthetics of the serial intro as indicators of televisual and media cultural change, TV AESTHETICS – NOW WHAT? University of Kent.
  • 13.07.2022:
    Amrita Biswas, A Site of Confluence: Aurora’s Narkeldanga Studio and Calcutta’s Film Production Culture (1950s), IAMHIST Conference: Conflict Resolution and the Media.
  • 13.07.2022:
    Johanna Laub, The unresolved revolution: Real-time streams and the experience of latency, IAMHIST Conference: Conflict Resolution and the Media.
  • 13.07.2022:
    Anna Bell, Pessimistic Hope as Rebellion: Fassbinder’s Utopia, Utopian Studies Society 22nd Annual Conference: Opening Utopia: New Directions in Utopian Studies, University of Brighton.
  • 10.09. 2022:
    Amrita Biswas and Johanna Laub, Travelling through Time: TimeRide and the Politics of Urban Reconstruction, Symposium: Nineteenth- Century Visual Technologies in Contemporary Practices.
  • 15.09.2022:
    Sema Çakmak, Pembe Hayat KuirFest: Film festival activism between Social and Economic Sustainability, Screenfest International Film Festival Symposium, Adana Altin Koza Film Festival.
  • 22.09.2022:
    Clara Podlesnigg, An Inversion of Magic: Girl Bosses and Gimmicky Holograms on Social Media, 3rd Padova Summer School on Philosophy and Cultural Studies of Technology: Technology and Magic, Universität Padua.
  • 29.09.2022:
    Christian Alexius, Cinephile Archivpraktiken im Comic und die Mitarbeit ihrer Leserschaft, GfM-Jahrestagung 2022 “Arbeit”, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
  • 29.09.2022:
    Jana Zündel, „Wir haben neue Folgen für Sie“: Ansporn und Überwachung von Fernsehen als fortlaufende Freizeitaufgabe, GfM Jahrestagung 2022 „Arbeit“, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
  • 06.10.2022:
    Anna Bell, Fassbinder: Leather as Method, X GECA International Conference: Queer Cinema Around the World, Complutense University of Madrid, online.
  • 15.10. 2022:
    Amrita Biswas, Cinephilic Wonder and Anxiety: The Sacred Value of the OCNS of Apu Trilogy, Ray and the Sense of Wonder, University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • 15.10.2022:
    Fadekemi Olawoye, Performing Identity and Gender Representation in “Swallow” by Kunle Afolayan, Midwest Popular Culture Association/ American Popular Culture Association Annual Conference. DePaul University Illinois, Chicago.
  • 26.10.2022:
    Anna Bell, Everything made of Leather: Fassbinder’s Sadomasochism, LILEC Graduate Conference: Sex and Discursive Strategies between Implicit and Explicit in Literature, Language and Translation, University of Bologna.
  • 28.10.2022:
    Anna Bell, Fassbinder’s Digital Afterlife on Youtube, Symposium “Platforms and the Moving Image”, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
  • 28.10.2022:
    Clara Podlesnigg, “I’m just an ideas person”: David O’Reilly’s iHologram (2008), financial crisis, and the failed crossing of a hologram app from video to crowdfunding platforms, Symposium “Platforms and the Moving Image”, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
  • 16.11.2022:
    Laura Laabs, Sensations and Seamlessness. How Astro’s Playroom and the DualSense Controller Re/Configure the PlayStation Brand, Global Emergent Media Lab “Works in Progress”, Concordia University.
  • 16.11.2022:
    Kerim Doğruel, Encased Futures. The Futurity of Microelectronics and Miniature Cityscapes, Global Emergent Media Lab “Works in Progress”, Concordia University.
  • 18.11.2022:
    Laura Laabs, Branded Space, Brand as Space. Astro’s Playroom and the Mediation of PlayStation, Media Fields Conference VIII: Zones of Mediation, Media Fields Collective, University of California Santa Barbara, online.
  • 29.11.2022:
    Johanna Laub, Archives in/as ruins: Moving image art and the anarchaeology of archival debris, Archive/Counter-Archive, Montréal.
  • 01.12.2022:
    Laura Laabs, Cracks and Critters. Repair Videos and the Unruliness of Gaming Devices, The Materials of Screen Media Conference, SSAAANZ/Massey University, online.
  • 01.12.2022:
    Clara Podlesnigg, Seeing through CDs: a plastic pyramid and its story, The Materials of Screen Media, SSAAANZ 2022/Massey University, online.


  • 01.2021:
    Philipp Dominik Keidl, Laliv Melamed and Jaap Verheul, Media during the Pandemic, Oxford Brooks University, United Kingdom.
  • 07.01.2021:
    Christian Alexius, Film in Comics. Contemporary Representations between Cinephile Practice and Alternative Film Historiography, IAMHIST Master Class on Media and History.
  • 11.01.2021:
    Laliv Melamed; Antonio Somaini, Pandemic Media/Media Itineraries, Centre for Digital Cultures Forum, Leuphana University.
  • 04./06.02.2021:
    Amrita Biswas,
    Mapping the Urban Cinephilia: An Analysis of Film Festival Networks in Kolkata, South Asian Media and Cultural Studies Conference 2021, Florida State University, U.S.A.
  • 19./26.02.2021:
    Laliv Melamed, A NonReport, Knowledge and Mediation, Annual workshop, Centre for Comparative Media, Columbia University
  • 03.2021:
    Philipp Dominik Keidl and Laliv Melamed,
    Media Production and Media Studies in Pandemic Times, 34. Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany 
  • 03.03.2021:
    Laliv Melamed; Amir Yatziv, Last Night I Visited in the Kingdom of Shadows, Lecture Performance, “Is the Future Here?,” Betzalel Academy of Art.
  • 03.2021:
    Philipp Dominik Keidl, Evidence, Practice, and Procedure: Fans and the Making of ‘Juridical Media’, Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Chicago, U.S.A.
  • 24.4.2021:
    Kerim Dogruel, Glänzende Zukünfte, Science MashUp 2021 “XR – Gesellschaft – Utopien”, Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig.
  • 06./07.05.2021:
    Amrita Biswas,
    Calcutta Super-8: An Analysis of the ‘Failed’ Movement, Institute for Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Università degli Studi di Udine, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and European Film Gateway.
  • 16.06.2021:
    Amrita Biswas, Kolkata Chronicles: An Analysis of the Urban Soundscape in Alternative Bengali Films, Sound on Screen Conference 2021, Oxford Brookes University.
  • 06.06.2021:
    Kerim Dogruel, Transforming G.I. Joe, Mechademia Asian Conference 2021 Ecologies.
  • 01.08.2021:
    Fadekemi Olawoye, Constructing the Nigerian Woman’s Crime Film in Kings of Boys (2018) and Omo Ghetto (2020), London International Conference on Film Studies: The Anatomy of Identities.
  • 01.10.2021:
    Fadekemi Olawoye, Hindi Film Fandom: Reception of Selected Zee World Series  Among Non-Elitist Audience in Southern Nigeria, Global Screen World: An International Workshop SOAS University of London.
  • 26.10.2021:
    Laliv Melamed, The Operative Image and the Scandal of State Secrecy, Enter the Void Symposium, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz in collaboration with Kunsthalle Mainz
  • 10.2021:
    Philipp Dominik Keidl, Objects Worth Filming: Disney Plus and the Platformization of Film History, European History Reloaded: Curation and Appropriation of Digital Audiovisual Heritage, Utrecht University, Netherlands


  • 05.02.2020:
    Laliv Melamed; Antonio Somaini; Joshua Simon, Metastability, MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt
  • 20.02.2020:
    Alexander Stark, Between Reconstruction, Economic Miracle and Structural Change – Dortmund’s Self-Portrayal in Local Image Films, Urban Layers – Rust Belt and the Ruhr, University of Cincinnati
  • 12.03.2020:
    Rebecca Boguska, Das schwarze Viereck denken oder Skizzen zum theoretischen Potenzial nicht-wahrnehmbarer Rahmen, 33. Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
  • 04.2020:
    Philipp Dominik Keidl and Abby Waysdorf, Fandom and the Use of Archival Footage: Histories, Theories, Methods, Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, USA (cancelled due to Covid-19)
  • 04.2020:
    Philipp Dominik Keidl, Fandom and Transmedia Historiography: Characters, World-Building and Authorship, Popular Culture Association: 2020 National Conference, USA (cancelled due to Covid-19)
  • 08.2020:
    Philipp Dominik Keidl, Configurations of Film and Fan Studies, JQ Young Academy Summer School, Germany
  • 27./29.08.2020:
    Amrita Biswas, Mapping the Urban Cinephilia: An Analysis of Film Festival Networks in Kolkata, Media Meet 2020, Department of Media Studies, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, in association with Griffith University, Australia and Florida State University, U.S.A.
  • 10.2020:
    Philipp Dominik Keidl and Abby Waysdorf, Fan-made Histories, Annual Conference of the Fan Studies Network North America, Chicago, U.S.A.
  • 21.10.2020:
    Laliv Melamed in conversation with Maya Schweizer as part of the exhibition Stimmen, Museum Villa Stuck, München, Link
  • 15.11.2020:
    Laliv Melamed, In-Between: Conversation with filmmaker Maysaloun Hamoud, part of the Fall Lecture Series, Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University


  • 07.01.2019:
     Laliv Melamed; Zach Blas, Generic Mannequins, invited talk as part of the lecture series Machine Vision, Le Bal art centre, Paris
  • 06.02.2019:
    Laliv Melamed, Simulated Scenarios: Aviation and the Visual Politics of the Phantasmatic, invited talk, King’s College, London
  • 08.03.2019:
    Marie Sophie Beckmann, Auferstanden aus dem Underground: Das Cinema of Transgression macht Geschichte, 32. Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Filmuniversität Babelsberg, Potsdam
  • 15.03.2019:
    Laliv Melamed, TV Listings and the Shaping of Social Time, Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington
  • 24.03.2019:
    Kalani Michell, Taking Down Pictures, Society for Cinema & Media Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington
  • 25.03.2019:
    Antoine Prévost-Balga, Slowing-Down Nuclear Explosions. Rescaled/Reformatted Temporalities, XVII MAGIS – International Film and Media Studies Spring School, Gorizia
  • 25.03.2019:
    Nicole Braida, Media for (which) Change?, XVII MAGIS – International Film and Media Studies Spring School, Gorizia
  • 25.03.2019:
    Andrea Polywka, Beyond Dichotomies: Rethinking the Terminological and Technological Boundaries of the Animated Film, Winter School at the Graduate Academy and the Centre for Animated Research, Doing Animation History: Exploring Challenges and New Visions in Writing Animation Histories, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • 29.03.2019:
    Karin Fleck, Record to the Future, Memories of the Future Conference, University of London
  • 16.05.2019:
    Alexander Stark, Amateur Industrial Films from West Germany – The Case of „The Filming Baker’s Wife“, IX encontro anual da AIM, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • 16.05.2019:
    Guilherme Machado, Transferring Labor-related Knowledge in the Cybernetic Age, IX encontro anual da AIM, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • 21.05.2019:
    Laliv Melamed; Zach Blas; Antonio Somaini, Machine Visions, Palazzo Grassi, Venice
  • 24.05.2019:
    Rebecca Boguska, Photographic Media as/and Gestures: A Reflection on the Role of Photography in the Recognition of GTMO Detainees, Pre-Conference „Mediated Recognition: Identity, Justice and Activism“, International Communication Association 69th Conference, Washington D.C.
  • 05.06.2019:
    Laliv Melamed, At Face Value, Lunch paper: Forschungszentrum Historische Geisteswissenschaften, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt
  • 06.06.2019:
    Laliv Melamed, Here-There: on La Bas by Chantal Akerman, The Films of Chantal Akerman, Deutsches Filminstitut, Frankfurt
  • 06.06.2019:
    Rebecca Boguska, The (Non-) Commodifiable? Torture Photographs from the Abu Ghraib Prison
    , Fotografie und Ökonomie, 5. Workshop der AG Fotografieforschung, Universität Basel
  • 13.06.2019:
    Rebecca Boguska, Narrating (Photographs Showing) Torture?, Structures and Voices: Storytelling in Post-Digital Times – The NECS 2019 Conference, University of Gdánsk
  • 14.06.2019:
    Antoine Prévost-Balga, The Laboratory Life of a Milk Drop, Structures and Voices: Storytelling in Post-Digital Times – The NECS 2019 Conference, University of Gdánsk
  • 14.06.2019:
    Philipp Röding, It’s Hard To Be Down When You’re Up. Elevators As Architectural Storytelling Devices, Structures and Voices: Storytelling in Post-Digital Times – The NECS 2019 Conference, University of Gdánsk
  • 10.07.2019:
    Antoine Prévost-Balga, In Situ Optics, Screening and Discussion with Zachary Formwalt. Mal Seh’n Kino – Frankfurt am Main
  • 29.10.2019:
    Verena Mund, Neue Ellbogenwelt. Maße und Ausmaße von Theken, Ringvorlesung “Das Detail”, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
  • 05.11.2019:
    Antoine Prévost-Balga, Camera Atomica. Technicité et temporalité des images des explosions atomique. Workshop « Techno-Images. Configurations visuelles et médias XIX-XXI siècle ». 5 Novembre 2019, Maison de la recherche, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3
  • 09.11.2019:
    Laliv Melamed, Making Memory: post screening discussion, Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt


  • 01.01.2018:
    Laliv Melamed, On Omar Amiralay’s Films, Borders of Documentary, International conference, The Van Leer Research Institute, Jerusalem
  • 29.01.2018:
    Nicola Braida, Der verzweigte Pfad: Interaktives Erzählen über Flucht und Migration, Guest Lecture, Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • 05.03.2018:
    Antoine Prévost-Balga, Turning the Body Power into Data: Technological Control of Performativity, XVI MAGIS International Film Studies Spring School, Gorizia
  • 05.03.2018:
    Philipp Röding, Structure of Feeling, Feeling of Structure, XVI MAGIS International Film Studies Spring School, Gorizia
  • 07.03.2018:
    Nicole Braida, Get the Flow, XVI MAGIS International Film Studies Spring School, Gorizia
  • 07.03.2018:
    Marin Reljic, Between Fight for Justice and Imaginations of Violence. Deconstructive reshaping of a Historical Process in Johannes Kalitzke’s Conemporary Music for Silence Movie „Die Weber“ („The Weavers“, 1927) by Frederic Zelnik, XVI MAGIS International Film Studies Spring School, Gorizia
  • 11.04.2018:
    Alexander Stark, Ménage-à-trois – Elisabeth Wilms‘ Advertising Film „Flirt mit einer Maschine“, The Love That Speaks Its Name: Advertising Film, New York University
  • 12.04.2018:
    Alexander Stark, „Help us help!“ – German postwar charity films by Elisabeth Wilms, The 11th Orphan Film Symposium, New York University
  • 24.04.2018:
    Laliv Melamed, Maps to the Future: Documentation, Digitality and 3D experimentation, Invited talk, Oxford Brookes University
  • 04.06.2018:
    Karin Fleck, Nostalgia as a time out of joint, Nostalgia in Contemporary Culture Conference, University of Southern Denmark
  • 18.06.2018:
    Andrea Polywka, Hybrid moving images – animation practices and realism in contemporary feature films, 30th Annual Conference of the Society of Animation Studies, Emerging Researchers Seminar, Concordia University, Montréal
  • 27.06.2018:
    Nicola Braida, Media for Change?, Media Tactics and Engagement – The NECS 2018 Conference, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • 28.06.2018:
    Alexander Stark, Tactics of a Professional Amateur – Researching Elisabeth Wilms‘ Sponsored Filmmaking, Media Tactics and Engagement – The NECS 2018 Conference, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • 29.06.2018:
    Karin Fleck, Touching Records in Films, Media Tactics and Engagement – The NECS 2018 Conference, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • 07.07.2018:
    Kalani Michell, Unboxing Film Culture, Edit Film Culture! Festival, Exhibition, Film Series, Berlin
  • 10.08.2018:
    Laliv Melamed, Simulated Scenarios, in: Operating in the Open: Operative Images in Public Discourse, Visible Evidence, Indiana University
  • 07.08.2018:
    Rebecca Boguska, Image Banks, Stock Photography and Documentary Representation, Visible Evidence XXV, Indiana University Bloomington
  • 19.08.2018:
    Alexander Stark, Collaborative Amateur Film Production in Sponsored Filmmaking and the Challenge of Retracing it, Graduate Symposium of the CSF Summer Seminar Media History of the Margins, University of Lausanne, Università della Svizzera Italiana, University of Luxembourg
  • 21.09.2018:
    Nicole Braida, Call for (Inter)Action: The Construction of Solidarity in Interactive Practices, Digital Cultures: Knowledge, Culture, Technology, Universität Lüneburg
  • 11.10.2018
    Marin Reljic, Die Ästhetik des Politischen bei Abel Gance Napoleon – Konzepte, Fragmente und Zitate innerhalb musikalischer (Neu-)Vertonungen, Symposium: Musik als symbolische Form, Travemünde
  • 08.11.2018:
    Laliv Melamed, A Nonreport, Against Documentary, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • 15.11.2018:
    Verena Mund, Vor Geschäftsschluss. Chantal Akermans Working Girls-Film Golden Eighties, Lecture + Film series „Chantal Akerman: Die Erfinderin der Formen“, Deutsches Filminstitut und Filmmuseum, Frankfurt
  • 27.11.2018:
    Andrea Polywka, A Technical Marvel –Einsatz und Transparenz von Animationstechniken, 4th Conference of the German speaking Animation Studies Gorup (AG Animation), „In Wirklichkeit…Animation“, FH St. Pölten


  • 05.10.2017:
    Nicole Braida, Ökonomie Interaktiver Webbasierter Praktiken im Bereich des Non-Fiktionalen, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • 09.12.2017:
    Kalani Michell, Cinema Journal in Your Ears: Podcasting Media Studies, Format Matters: Theories, Histories, Practices: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Mainz