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What becomes of film once it leaves the cinema? How do moving images work in settings beyond the classical dispositive of the public screening – in the home, the scientific laboratory, the classroom or in public spaces? And how does technological change – particularly the emergence of digital photography and the proliferation of network communication – affect the shape and uses of moving images?

Based on a conception of moving image culture that exceeds and challenges the established methodological frameworks of cinema studies, this Graduate Research Training Program examines a wide variety of configurations of film including, and beyond, the classical cinema space. Twelve doctoral students and two postdoctoral fellows per cohort will study these different aspects of moving image culture with the input and under the supervision of fifteen established researchers in an interdisciplinary setting, addressing topics in film and media studies, philosophy, musicology and literature.
Kolleg event
08.04.2025 • 4/8/25 11:00 – 4/8/25 18:00
IG-Farben-Haus | Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Julie Dash: “Reimagining Black Cinema”
Julie Dash will join us in Frankfurt for the series "Reimagining Black Cinema" on April 8th, 2025.
Kolleg event
25.11.2024 • 11/25/24 18:00 – 11/25/24 20:00
Media Room 7.214 IG-Farben Building
„Collective Voicing and the Labor of Localization in Cinema and Media History“ by Kaveh Askari
Mercator Fellow Kaveh Askari will give a lecture on the topic "Collective Voicing and the Labor of Localization in Cinema and Media History" on November 25th, 18:00.
Moving Image Memes (working title)
The editors of "Moving Image Memes" (working title) call for papers. Please send your contributions by April 25, 2025.
Kolleg event
08.07.2024 • 7/8/24 18:00 – 7/8/24 20:00
Media Room 7.214 IG-Farben Building
Masha Salazkina: From Socialist Screens to Global Pop: Unearthing Alternative Narratives
Mercator Fellow Masha Salazkina will give a lecture on the topic "From Socialist Screens to Global Pop: Unearthing Alternative Narratives" on July 8th, 18:00.
New publication in open access: “Tacit Cinematic Knowledges”
Out now in open access from meson press: Based on a conference organized by the first cohort of PhD candidates in the Research Training Program “Konfigurationen des Films”, this publication introduces the concept of tacit cinematic knowledge to designate a broad variety of epistemic environments in which knowledge is configured in and through cinematic practices, and in the interaction with moving images.
“World Socialist Cinema Alliances, Affinities, and Solidarities in the Global Cold War“ by Masha Salazkina
Mercator Fellow Masha Salazkina’s book “World Socialist Cinema Alliances, Affinities, and Solidarities in the Global Cold War“ named “Best Scholarly Book of 2023” by the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Now Out in Open Access: Serge Daney and Queer Cinephilia
"Serge Daney and Queer Cinephilia" is out now in glorious open access from meson press – edited by Kate Ince, Pierre Eugene and Marc Siegel for the "Configurations of Film" book series
New Publication: “Films That Work Harder”
"Films That Work Harder: The Circulation of Industrial Film" has been published by Amsterdam University Press.
“A Media Epigraphy of Video Compression: Reading Traces of Decay” by Marek Jancovic
The dissertation project by Marek Jancovic, one of our alumni, has been published as a book by Palgrave Macmillan.
Podcast release: “TCK. A Podcast Series About Film Outside of Cinema”
First episode of “TCK. A Podcast Series About Film Outside of Cinema” by Rebecca Boguska (1st cohort) and Sophia Gräfe. Guests: Vinzenz Hediger & Guilherme Machado.